Dear butterfly
Fly away
To where ever your wings take you to
Your beauty and strength will always be remembered
Take your flight without worry
Like a leaf on the wind
Butterfly fly away
Hello dollz, today is the Hair Fair's Bandana Day where you wear bandana in place of your everyday wig in SL to remember the cause behind Hair Fair. So wear your bandana proudly today or any day in SL! You can buy bandana in Bandana Booth in Hair Fair for 50L$ each and 100% of those goes to the Wigs for Kids charity. There are many beautiful designs to choose from.
Highlight of post is beautiful butterfly items of Flutter Gacha by .::Cubic Cherry::. for this round of Epiphany. The rares, large jar with butterfly flying free comes with animations and a hud to change the butterflies' texture as well as land impart of 10. I hope you enjoy today's post and see you in the next one~
Body Pixels
Head+Skin @ SOMEMORE - SaeBom Mesh Head 12
Eyes @ {S0NG} - Sugar~ Candy Eye
Eyelashes @ //LovelyAlien// - Starry Eyelashes
Nail @ Dark Passion - Feather Flair
Chest+Sleeve Tattoo @ CURELESS[+] - Moonlight Revenge [Uber, ends Aug 23rd] *new
Head @ Moon Amore - Butterfly Bandana
Dress @ Moon Amore - Papillon Dreams Dress
Socks @ antielle. - Baroque Corset Stockings in Rose
Jar+butterfly @ .::Cubic Cherry::. - Setting Free Gold/RARE/01/Flutter Gacha [Epiphany, ends Aug 15th] *new
Around avatar @ .::Cubic Cherry::. - Butterflies group Dream/09/Flutter Gacha [Epiphany, ends Aug 15th] *new
On hand @ .::Cubic Cherry::. - Butterflies on hand Dream/19/Flutter Gacha [Epiphany, ends Aug 15th] *new
On nose @ .::Cubic Cherry::. - Butterfly single Dream/04/Flutter Gacha [Epiphany, ends Aug 15th] *new
Stars @ [ keke ] - Star glitter
Left @ Clemmm - Try Hard pose 4+slight editing with Animare
Right @ Glitterburp @ Hands Up pose 2