Saturday 23 August 2014

August Ghosts: Red, Red Sea

The girl tried to ignore the haunted doll as much as she could, wanting to go back to her old life. Her friends started to notice her changed attitude, as she avoid the usual path through the school's ancient gate. However, when the time comes for the next Swimming Club meeting, she had to stay late to prepare for the soon swimming competition. Her supposed friend dumped her to meet up with boyfriend and the girl was all alone trying to finish up as quickly as she could. 

Walking around the pool carrying boxes of items, her feet stepped on some liquid. She noticed that it was too thick to be the water from the pool. Hesitantly, she looked down and saw red. From the corner of her eye, a figure appeared at the middle of the pool, covered in blood. Frozen at her feet, she could watch as the pool slowly turn red. The blood teary eyes shifted to the girl and then she fainted until morning. 

This is something that been laying around so the longest time! I followed the Ghost of Augusts stories by Dev and this my continuation of it. It's best to read his blog first to understand my story. I'm had a long break because I'm at my hometown and my house net doesn't let to take pics. Soon I'll be back to college, I can start being all productive! [laughs]

Until next time, my cute dollz!

Skin @ Mother Goose - Mimi 1L
Hair @ *Alice Project* - National Anthem [2014 Hair Fair gift]
Blood tears @ .aii. 
Lips @ The Sugar Garden - Lip Tinte Vampy
Mouth  Stitching @ .aii. 
Outfit @ AMITOMO - Summer School uniform 
Hands @ Clemmm - Bloody Hands

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