Saturday 8 March 2014

Happy International Female Day!

"Picture by Gwin, edit by me"

Woman’s guess is much more accurate than a man’s certainty – Rudyard Kipling

Women are the real architects of society. – Harriet Beecher Stowe

Coz we each are different woman who can conquer the world... together – Me

Hai all! Have you seen the doodle for Google home page? Today is the International Women Day! So immediately I thought of gathering some of the lovely ladies of SL to pose for a single picture dedicated for this day. It was a crazy time for me to set up with the place and desperately hoping that the computer won't anything you know... detestable. Butttt anyways I did managed to get the perfect picture after more than hour struggling with the girls!

"Danica, Misha, me, Gwinny, Violet, Kristy and Zsa"

It was still fun girls hang out day~ With all the constant crashing and pixelation and even wardrobe dysfunction at the beginning! Anyways I wanted to take a picture of how each ladies are different and we should just embrace who we are and just pursuit your dreams. People might look down just because you're a female, keep pushing and prove them wrong! Have you read stories of ladies who broke the social rule of careers that were supposed to be dominated by only male and then rewrite history as it is? Well, start reading and be motivated!

Special thanks to Danica, Misha, Gwinny, Violet, Kristy and Zsa for your time and patience with me. It was not easy at all to take a group picture in such beautiful sim! I hope you guys have an awesome day ahead!