Saturday, 16 May 2015

Romancing the Skull

Ordinary people from the other side know "Elizabeth" is just another common name. However in Cursed, she is known as Elizabeth the sister of Scarlet. She might be a mortal but her sister, (who is well-known  for her fearless leadership in the Rebellion) made sure that Elizabeth was able to join Cursed once the Scarlet Treaty was signed. Elizabeth felt immediately at home. One of her hobbies is collecting peculiar and strange skulls. Her most favorite skull that she usually seen with is rumored to belong to the Baron La Croix. Who knows?

Finally World Goth Fair is here!!! I was away last week since I went back to hometown to visit my grandma but now I'm back and sooooo ready to bust more stories! The outfit are actually from last year WGF and I intended to make this post as a pre- WGF post but I missed the date, oh well. You dollz can still find the stuff at the mainstore!

Body Pixel
Skin @ My UglyDorothy - Special Skin 7
Hair @ *Alice Project* - Ivy
Eyes @ .::Shy Girls::. - Group gift eyes
Eyeshadow @ Beautiful Freak - Divinora eyeliner Vicious Violet
Lips @ Pin me Down - Sayni 
Nails @ Beautiful Freak - Loli manicure

Dress @ *FOSCA de LE* - Annabel Lee Amethyst 
Gloves @ Izzie's - Short lace gloves
Head @ ::Squeek!:: Bat Bow 
Neck @ Altair* - Kokoro collar violet

Parasol @ {NanTra} - Promenade parasol pose pack
Skull @ ContraptioN - Odd Skull 
Hat on skull @ ~Tableau Vivant~ Samedy Hat from Baron Hairpack

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