May the new cycle of the earth brings more joy for us all.
Body pixels
Hair @ Exile - Instant Crush
Prop & Pose
May the new cycle of the earth brings more joy for us all.
Body pixels
Prop & Pose
Ah again, my inability to properly fix my habit strikes again. I might need a life coach.
Body pixels
Prop & Pose
I wanted to channel my inner witch so much because I missed doing that in the last month, haha. I tried to go for different witch look by combining a bit of gore with the brain in jar and weird shoes. I had more in my mind but this is a quick set-up for it. I have always love to use any opportunity to make fogs obviously.
Highlight of the picture Melinoe Dress made by Bauhaus for the Necrotize event. It comes with a hood and it's own mask but could be hidden by the HUD. I tried to make it work with boots from NCHRGX outfit by HUMAN GLITCH. It's a part of a full outfit and I'm not sure if it would be bought separately. From the event as well, Jarhead Ted by .~Deadly Nightshade~. that animates when attached to the avatar. I hoped the witchy vibes comes through with the Time Collar by ::Static:: that is available for the current round of Enchantment with the Phantom of the Opera theme. Do check them out. Rest of the credits down below and I'll see you dollz in the next post.
Body pixels
Prop & Pose
Sometimes the time pass by a bit too fast. And Necrotize is soon will ending it's first round by November 20th. The theme is horror with sci-fi elements, this reflect perfectly with the event build that was created by the amazing Walton of Contraption. Do visit the sim and enjoy the creepy vibes!
Some of he highlights of the picture are, the obvious Pandora's Box by Static as the center-piece. The box also have script that when touch, will distort local textures, it's a very cool effect and perhaps pranks on your friends. The prop behind the character is also made by Static named simply as Illusiory Portal available at the Necrotize event as well. The beautiful horn prominent in the picture is Seer Horns made by (( Lovely Alien )) that comes with matching jaw horn you see. Lot's more products you can find from the event down below as well as do check out the catalogue. See you dollz in the next post~
Body pixels
Prop & Pose
By left, Rose Kuro
Body Pixels
Pose n Props
Hand @ [AiiZawa] - Pneumatic Peacemaker 1.0 [mainstore]
Pose @ Animare + Black Dragon Poser edit
Guest appearance @ DevinVaugh - BishieStyleSL blog
For a complete stylecard and his version of the story, visit the post in BishiStyleSL blog.
Engine Room will be shutting it's steam real soon, so if any of you dollz fancy the items I am displaying, do head down soon to grab it and enjoy the atmosphere of the event. The skybox was made by yours truly, Walton F. Wainwright, the creator of [ContraptioN] as well as one of the founders of the amazing event. The sim is just so pretty to hang out at.
Highlight of the picture is the gorgeous Regius Attire made by Eliavah. The design is especially well made with the theme of the event and fitted for Maiterya, Petite Mait as well as Flat Chest Mait. I know some dollz will love those body fitting options. The fatpack comes with 16 colour options for the jacket fabric, collar belt, panties, 7 colours for the jacket piping and metals. Next is the huge A.S.S.BUNKER weapon by Omise. Definitely a weapon to be reckon with, comes in left or right version, big or small size too. Every part of the weapon is customize with the HUD and it also comes with it's own set of poses to play with! Try a demo and check it out. As this is a collaboration once again with DevinVaugh, there is a slight difference between our picture as he made a slight changes with his attire after I have taken my shoot with him. I will credit the difference changes down below along with the rest of the credits. See you dollz in the post~
On her, Jacqueline of the Vampire Hunter's Association
Body Pixels
Pose n Props
Side @ [Omise.] - A.S.S.BUNKER | L-Right [Engine Room, ends October 20th] *new
Pose @ Ploom - Z.D.F | 3 + Animare edit
Background @ Tulagi
On him, the Chief of Sioux Nation
Guest appearance @ DevinVaugh - BishieStyleSL blog
For a complete stylecard and his version of the story, visit the post in BishiStyleSL blog. (will be updated)
The Engine Room has reached half time! Some designers have put out more items for sale at their booths. You dollz can check the catalog to see the extra products. This idea took a bit too long to flesh out for me. ^^;
Highlight of the picture is beautiful detailed Dornenburg Scene Skybox made by Varonis. Every nook and cranny of this skybox is so detailed down to the every fallen leaves. While it has a high land impact, the texture details are worth it especially for photography scene. The outfit I'm wearing are pieces from Abigale gacha made by devious Mind in the event. There are a lot colour combination with the shirts, skirts, buckles and boots with lots of frills. The Evangeline hat and hair combination is by Raven Bell, with the hat can be worn separately or fancy decor. There are several fancy color combo hud for the hair as well as for the hat to change the general parts like the hat, under hat and the ribbons. The weapon I'm brandishing is the Prototype - Revolver created by [Val/More] with 2 general theme for the gun. The bow can be turn off or on depending on the scene you play. It has animated bullet that can be equipped for added immersions and a cool idle animation, spinning and tossing the gun in the air. What Monsieur Bleu is wearing can be check in DevinVaugh's blog which I will credit down along with the rest of my own credits. I'll see you dollz in the next post~
Madame Spy
Body pixels
Monsieur Bleu
Head over to DevinVaugh's Post
Everything will be collateral damage when the war clock begun. Strange war to control the world's fuel. To control the evolution. To control the future. To the victor belong the spoils.
I am ready to face that war and win.
After this last smoke and perhaps my latest batch of tea.
The third round of Engine Room is open! For at least more than 10 days now. There are a lot of products this round with mixed steampunk and diesel themed. I'm trying to use more of the decor items in this round so I've been juggling ideas for too long for this starter post. I have a few more idea to flesh out as well as the story to progress. If some of you dollz were with me during Clockwork Spiral time, you dollz might remember the stories of basically Steam vs Diesel that I did some collaborations with my friend Devin. For this scene as well, I had his help by a ton. Most of what you are from his stash. We might be collaborating again in a few posts down in this event. I have played my part in his picture here.
I wish I can write a dedicated highlight paragraph but at the moment my time is a bit too tight. I might return to this and re-edit this. All the credits down below and I'll see you dollz in the next post. Happy October spooks y'all!
Body Pixels
*[Pipit]* - ChairSit Poses + Black Dragon Viewer poser
Props (from left to right)
[ContraptioN] Decor: L'Orangerie du Docteur [Engine Room, ends October 20th] *new
NOMAD // Antique World Map A
[noctis] Station Table Lamp brass
[noctis] Gargoyle bookstack
[noctis] Cognac Bottle (touch for glass)
[noctis] vintage cigar box open (touch for cigar)
[noctis] vintage papers
[noctis] Baron Von Scarlet's Secretary desk
[noctis] Baron Von Scarlet drawing room chair
Apple Fall Books & Map
::Static:: Aether Compass - 10 RARE {Red Sea} [Engine Room, ends October 20th] *new
AMBIX // Cogwork Key - Rez or Wear [Engine Room, ends October 20th] *new
::Static:: Aether Compass - 11 RARE {Old One} [Engine Room, ends October 20th] *new
-Pixicat- Spellbook (Plain) Closed
-Pixicat- Spellbook (Simpel) Open
-[The White Crow]- Senior Crow (Gold/Black) -Single Anim standing- [Engine Room, ends October 20th] *new
::Static:: Aether Compass - 09 RARE {God's Eye} [Engine Room, ends October 20th] *new
:[Petrichor]:- Kersi Weights [Engine Room, ends October 20th] *new
:[Petrichor]:- Kersi Scale [Engine Room, ends October 20th] *new
Schadenfreude Vampire Flask (open) [Engine Room, ends October 20th] *new
/Studio Dire/ Tournier Table [Engine Room, ends October 20th] *new
[noctis] Baron Von Scarlet red bullskin rug
CURELESS [+] Skeletal System / NOIR
FGinc.~ Closed Book with page: The Martian Chronicles
Apple Fall Wooden Trunk (Decor)
Garden props
LB_Bouton d'or Orange{Field}
HPMD* WildGrasses -green- a
Garden by anc fantasy grass "Breathing" bloom 1prim
Did I took too long with this post? Yes, definitely. September came flooded increase of my side work and I barely had time to rest as well, And I have to take a somewhat extended time to fully rest my body as well. I hope I did the story well for you dollz. I really wanted to combine bits of my love for space and old folk stories. There are lots folk stories that I wish to recreate in Second Life, I have to see which I can do one at a time.
Featured in the picture above are the huge space themed Moon Glow Skybox by *NeverWish*, the one you see is in teal colored and also available in pink accents as well. I also have acquired the updated 2020 version of the Gear Chair that emits light within the chair. So fancy! The footwear is {Aiko} geta and high sock set by Cubic Cherry. I'm showing the set in delicious white latex style, the footwear has material enable that catches light in interesting texture. Comes in 6 other latex colour and also fabric pack. The geta are also available in lots of colour option to mix and match with your outfit. Rest of the credits down below and I'll see you dollz in the next post~
Where dreams come true
Pure ones
And even the filthy ones
Depends on how wiling you are to make it come true
It will be done
It took a lot for Ferah to rise to the fame that she possess now
Too much for it to crumble
Over a simple plain stalker that dreams to be with her
No matter
The new deadly bodyguard should do the trick
If not, well the MainFrame awaits for new wiling hosts
Where the simulated Heaven can turn into Nightmare with a glitch
MainFrame Event
Oh no, I kinda missed out on posting on time for the ending of MainFrame. However the items I'm sure will be available at their respective mainstores. I will be listing their in-world location as best I could. This was a very fun collaboration with my bestie, DevinVaugh of BishieStyleSL blog, despite the evil time zone. We both used the same base pictures and set unto making the final edits in our own different styles. Took me a bit more time since real life part-time job is very irregular and the fatigue caught up with me a bit.
Some of the highlights in the pictures are, this beautiful Daela Dress by ERSCH with stunning wiring across the front of the dress. The dress itself with fatpack option, has a load of mix and match potentials. I myself was lost to which shade of gold wiring to choose for the scene above. The pretty floating Plasmorphic Wings are made by AMBIX// with various colour mix and match for each detail piece of the wings. I am also wearing {Aiko} geta and tabi set by [Cubic Cherry] but it's not that visible since it's hidden a bit behind the bodyguard's wings but I will be doing another picture featuring the set soon so you dollz can see it as it's full latex glory. Fu fu fu
Also, the pod used in the scene is XB-Pod Set made by Cerridwen's Claudron. It comes in black and white base and high and low LOD versions. Rest of the credits down below and I hope to see you dollz in the next post~
On her, Ferah the Cyber Idol
Body Pixels
Hair @ A&Y - Lucia Cyber Hair
Skin @ CURELESS[+] - Haemoglobine Skin | Maitreya | Porcelain
Eyes @ ~*By Snow*~ - Citadel Eyes | Chrome - Red
Eyeshadow @ [CerberusXing] - Trixxy Eyeshadow set
Lips @ La Malvada Mujer - Lady Ketamine Lips set
Body Tattoo @ CURELESS[+] - Synthetic Angels | Transangelism | OMEGA | Rare
Outfit @ ERSCH - Daela Dress | Lara | Fatpack [mainstore]
Back @ AMBIX// - Plasmorphic Wings [mainstore]
Arms @ [Cubic Cherry] - {Ekion} arm augment GLOW | mait
Legs @ [Cubic Cherry} - {Aiko} - geta BLACK v.2
Pose n Props
Behind @ Cerridwen's Claudron - XB-Pod Set | Black | High LOD [mainstore]
Pose @ Insomnia Angels - Colour pose 6 *group gift
Background @ Insilico
On him, the SAW bodyguard
Guest appearance @ DevinVaugh - BishieStyleSL blog
For a complete stylecard and his version of the story, visit the post in BishiStyleSL blog.
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MainFrame Event |
MainFrame event is going to close it's portal very soon! And the next post will be the conclusion of this story as well. I hope I did well in my comeback posts, it helps a lot when people still have faith in me. I am very happy as well to be able to convey the visions I have for themes that I love so much. I still have a lot to learn again. However I am relieved that I came back when BOM rolled out, I've been waiting for it for almost 2 years since it was mentioned. It took some load off in applier only restriction and you bet, my dollz, I did have so much fun using the old system layers, it's me! But better!
Highlights in the picture are, sleek G647 Control body suit by Graves that comes with classic system layer and a bunch of appliers to get the nice shine that reflects with lights. Oh how far I have come to being up-to-date with Second Life now~ On my head is the Tsuno No Aru - Cyber Horns set by Skellybones, it comes with a HUD to customize the horn colors, glow colours and intensity. It is also modifiable, so I added a bit more darker tint to match the outfit I had. Oh my face meanwhile, is the Psi-Oni Mask made by AMBIX // and the customizing HUD is quite extensive as you dollz can change each part of the mask, eyes, nose hole, teeth, horn, horn tips. A very fancy cyber oni mask with a lot of mix and match options. The hand wear is the Cyberlita Hand made by SEKA, the perfect subtle accessories to add to any futuristic outfit. The floating device however is Mystic Triangle Diamond by CREATiCA, it comes in static and animated version along with arm pose on handling it. The customization is also quite extensive as you also change each part of it as well as the glow thread texture.
Not to forget, the beautiful detailed props surrounding me are Electronic Wall by Strange Merchant. The colour customizing on the wires is just a lot, you can live your rainbow dreams with this props. Rest of the credits down below and I will you dollz in the conclusion post soon~